Carnebello Poultry Cream
Dog Snacks
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Complementary feed dogs

Practical poultry snack in a tube for a clean snack on the go or during training

Our Carnebello poultry cream with plenty of fresh poultry is free from preservatives and free from added sugar. Due to the tasty recipe and the low fat content, our poultry cream is suitable for all dogs as an easy-to-dose, clean treat.
Dogs can lick the poultry cream straight from the tube, what makes our Carnebello poultry cream an ideal snack, e.g. to keep the dog in a certain position during training or to provide a calming distraction at the vet. Even pills with a bad taste can easily be hidden in the delicious paste. Furthermore, Carnebello poultry cream is the ideal companion for filling chew toys or when travelling.

Meat and animal by-products (51% poultry liver)51,0 %
Meat broth
Vegetable by-products (corn starch, potato starch, vegetable fiber)
Vegetables (0,1% Parsley)
Toorproteiin11,1 %
Toorõlid ja -rasvad2,2 %
Toorkiud1,0 %
Toortuhk2,0 %
Niiskus75,1 %
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19

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